Tuesday morning
The topic was “Hoarder”. I joined the Na’s table. After the class, my friends and I updated each other. Iv told me she would join Do’s lunch class this Thursday. Unfortunately I couldn’t join it. Anyway, I had a good time with Sa, Su and Iv.
hoard – ため込む
mean (comments)- 意地悪な
discard – 処分する
mildew – カビ (=mold)
Tuesday afternoon
The topic was “Perfume”. Some participants brought their mini bottles of perfume. One of our members who was new and from Iran. (She was a nice lady.) She told that she started wearing the perfume when she was 15! I learned lots of about cultural differences.
precedent – 先例
incense (stick) – お香
intricate – 複雑(= complicate)
a cut above the rest = 他のよりワンランク上の
The topic was “Lilly Ledbetter”. I didn’t know the person. We discussed about disparity and discrimination of wages and benefits. I tried to share my new circumstances and challenges, but I couldn’t. I lack confidence in my English skills, which always leads me not to talk about it. ^^
memoir – 回想録 (= autography)
disparity – 格差
discrimination – 差別
household name – だれもが知っている名前
verdict – 判決
jury – 陪審
loophole – 抜け穴